
Mission report for Delano "Dano" Riles, of Austin, MN

Eleven PGR showed up for Mr Riles funeral on Friday. The Riles family was so glad we were there.They did not know anything about the PGR prior to his passing. All went well, and it was a beautiful sunny day.The family asked me if we could escort them to the cemetery. I asked who would like to do the escort and seven members wanted to. When the Service started, the rest of us went out to the cemetery and formed a Flagline and waited for the Family and the escort to show up. After the service was over everyone came up and thanked us. Mr Riles could not stop crying . Every time he tried to thank us, he broke down and started crying.Like another PGR member said I wish we wiper blades on the inside of our dark glasses. The family asked us to join them for lunch after at the Eagles Club and a few of us went. I would like to thank every one who came to this mission. Also I would like to thank Craig for helping me out. I am so proud being a PGR member. I think this is the best thing I have done since coming back to the world in 1969.Long live the PGR. Thanks again to everyone involved.

JC Albertlea ARC1