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Mail Address:
P.O.Box 201855,
Bloomington, MN. 55420

Donation Request Criteria

To request a donation or grant from the Minnesota Patriot Guard it must be used within Minnesota to support:

  • Minnesota Fallen Heroes and their families
  • Wounded Minnesota military members and their families
  • Currently deployed Minnesota military members and their families
  • Minnesota Veterans Homes or Hospitals

    Special circumstances might be allowed depending on the situation. It is important to identify that this is a program area we, or another group, do not address already.

    Large donation requests need to be planned one year in advance to allow for budgeting purposes.

    Donation Request Instructions

    To request a donation from the Minnesota Patriot Guard, you will need to fill out the form at the following link: Minnesota Patriot Guard Donation Request.

    After the request has been received, a screening committee will review the request, and gather any additional information needed. The committee will then make a recommendation on the request to the full board. The person who submitted the request will be notified of the boards’ decision by the screening committee.